Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Master “Ingénierie Mathématique, Statistiques, et Economique”: “Optimisation dans les graphes”, University of Bordeaux, France.

  • “Modèles de Flot et Combinatoire”, 45 hetd, M1 (Gautier Stauffer )

  • “Optimisation dans les graphes”, 15h, M1, (Arnaud Pêcher)

  • “Optimisation combinatoire”, 30 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller, Francois Vanderbeck)

  • “Outils et logiciels d'optimisation”, 14 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller)

  • “Programmation linéaire”, 60 hetd, M1, (Andrew Miller, Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Programmation linéaire”, 30 hetd, M1 (Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Introduction à la Programmation en Nombres Entiers”, 15 hetd, M1 (Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Programmation Orienté Objet”, 15 hetd, M1 (Pierre Pesneau)

  • “Introduction à la Programmation par Contraintes”, 30 hetd, M2, (Ruslan Sadykov).

  • “Gestion des opérations et Planification de la Production”, 30 hetd, M2, (Ruslan Sadykov).

Other Masters:

  • Enseirb, Computer Sciences: “Recherche Opérationnelle”, 37 hetd, 2nd year, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, France (Pierre Pesneau, Francois Vanderbeck)


  • PhD: Petru Valicov, “Algorithmes de graphes pour les problèmes d'ordonnancement”, Juillet 2012, A. Pêcher, M. Montassier, E. Sopena

  • PhD in progress: Sagnik Sen, “Graphes et télécommunications”, January 2011, E. Sopena, A. Pêcher, A. Raspaud.

  • PhD in progress: Nastaran Rahmani, “Planning and Routing via decomposition approaches”, April 2011, R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Dupin, “Scheduling Maintenance of Nuclear Plants in Power Production Planning”, Mai 2011, A. Miller, R. Sadykov, E. Talbi, F. Vanderbeck.


  • Francois Vanderbeck was a member of the PhD jury of Sergey Kovalev, at Ecole des mines de St Etienne.

Administrative Responsabilities

Each member of the team is quite involved in teaching in the thematic specialties of the project, including in the research track of the Masters in applied mathematics or computer science and an Operations Research Track in the computer science department of the Engineering school ENSEIRB-MATMECA. Moreover, we are largely implied in the organization of the curriculum:

  • Arnaud Pêcher was the head of IUT Computer Science's special year, since 2010.

  • Francois Vanderbeck has succeeded to Andrew Miller as the head of the Master Speciality in Operations Research. He is aslo a member of the council of the laboratory of mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB) and its scientific committee.

  • Pierre Pesneau is elected (since March 2011) to the council of the laboratory of mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB) and (since March 2012) to the council of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bordeaux.

  • Ruslan Sadykov is elected (since September 2012) to the research council of the laboratory of mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB).